In Data We Trust



Our testing plans can vary from lengthy and complex to short and simple.

The level of complexity depends on the tests we plan to run, which we determine after learning about your monetization goals. We recommend a testing plan that determines whether or not your users would be willing to pay more for the current product or service you offer. Then, we test a significantly relevant sample size of users and provide our data-driven results back to your team.

Typical uses for these services:

Membership fees:

Your customers pay a monthly or annual fee for access to your product or service.

Product or Service Pricing:

Your customers pay a flat rate for the product(s) or service(s) your organization provides.


Here is an example:

Grey Goose Vodka currently charges $49.99 per 1.75L bottle. They have an interest in raising their price to $59.99 but they aren’t sure if they will lose or make money. While they may receive a drop in customers, the per bottle increase could yield them higher revenues and lower costs, ultimately leading to better margins.

That’s where we come in. We utilize data tracking internally (from Grey Goose) as well as market research and industry experts to run small but relevant sample size tests. We share our results with Grey Goose and they make a business decision based on our data-driven analysis.